2015: A Pants Odyssey

by Debbie Baer March 27, 2015

A new day dawning.  Galaxy image: NASA Headquarters - Greatest Images of NASA 
A new day dawning.  Galaxy image: NASA Headquarters - Greatest Images of NASA 


In the beginning there was the word. And for The Willary that word was pants.

The Willary was born when Chelsea said to me, “You know, a lot of women need better pants.” It was an a-ha moment for sure, but creation stories are powerful because they don’t just tell us where we come from, they also show us what principles will guide us on our journey.

I love our story because right there, in the beginning, 3 of our guiding principles shine.

Principle 1: The Willary is here because of you.  
Chelsea said, “A lot of women,” not “You and I.” Sure we have pant issues, but personal dissatisfaction never motivated me to set out and create a company. The Willary is "Made for Makers," but you don't just make “things.” You make a difference, make a scene, and make progress. And when you are successful you make your whole community stronger. This is why The Willary exists and this vision of all of you making your mark inspires me to rise to the challenge.

Principle 2:  The Willary solves problems.
When Chelsea shared that great idea with me she proposed solving a really big problem. Some aspects of that problem are pretty obvious (for example, pockets should actually be large enough to hold something). Some of them not so much, which is why we’ll rely on you to let us know what works and what doesn’t, both with your existing wardrobe and the pieces we design for you.

Principle 3: The Willary is built upon the community’s input. 
Left to my own devices I never would have put this whole idea together myself, it only happened because Chelsea’s observation inspired me. And now, even though I live and breathe The Willary, I’m only one person with one experience. By sharing your experiences, ideas and feedback you shape and grow The Willary and help us realize our fullest potential.

Pretty soon we’ll all get to experience these principles in action because, ladies, (drumroll…) we have pants. Specifically we have our best effort at the size, fit and fabrication of these pants. Soon it will be time for you to do your part and help us make them even better by participating in our beta launch this summer. If you haven’t signed up for our email list yet, now is the time so you’re the first to know how to participate. And if, like me, you want to see women spend more time doing awesome work and less time worrying about keeping their pants in place, then please encourage your Favorite Makers to sign up as well. 

Debbie Baer
Debbie Baer


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